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The Bellybutton Blog
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Video uploads to filesonic.com
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: bellybuttons
I have a premium account at filesonic.com now so I will be uploading more "unsafe for Youtube" videos. There are lots of videos that I can't post on Youtube and I also have dug up more old videos that I forgot about. Upgrade to a FileSonic Premium account and download at incredible speed!

Posted by bob95eg at 3:17 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 May 2011 3:28 PM CDT
Monday, 15 November 2010
Ren. Faire 2010
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: bellybuttons
 I went to a Ren. Faire this weekend and had the best time ever. I took 150 zoomed in pics of bellydancer tummies. I also got pics of every other chick who happened to have an exposed bellybutton. Every one of t6hem was more than happy to pose with my daughter. There were 2 ideal opportunities that I missed that I regret. One was this freaky tattooed and pierced chick who was with this gay leather outfit wearing dude. I got pics of her and asked him if she was his girlfriend and he said no, they were just friends. I should have given her my card and asked her about fetish modeling. She probably would've been interested. The other one was this hot chick in a bellydance costume who was selling stuff at a booth. She had a bellychain with big links and coins on it that was pretty much blocking her bellybutton. She kneeled down to tie a hip scarf on my daughter that she had to have so I snuck some tummy pictures of the chick. I should have asked to see her bellybutton. I could've thought of something to say to get to see it better but I didn't. I definitely regret that. Why do I chicken out sometimes? Maybe I should drink some alcohol on such occassions to get more at ease and be more brave. I really need a partner to egg me on at events like this. There's another Ren. Faire coming up soon in my area that I might go to.

Posted by bob95eg at 6:35 PM CST
Sunday, 3 January 2010
New video on my site
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: bellybuttons
I just added a video download on my website of Michelle's Bellybutton and More. It shows somethings that Youtube won't allow. It's about 100 MB but it's worth the time if you like bellybuttons at all. I reckon there will be scumbums uploading my original file to video sites around the web but that's the price I pay for sharing.

Posted by bob95eg at 4:06 AM CST
Monday, 12 October 2009

Mood:  not sure
Topic: bellybuttons
Hey, I uploaded a bunch more old videos on Youtube last night. I probably have about 50 more to upload.  2 of the chicks in my vids are gone forever. Kristi, who is Korina's mom died a few years ago and so did Tabitha. Tabitha was always my favorite because she had a bellybutton fetish too. she loved having it played with and she was good at doing belly rolls too.

Posted by bob95eg at 12:28 PM CDT
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Site updated sorta
Mood:  not sure
Topic: bellybuttons
O.K. So I updated the site a while ago. I added a page for video downloads and got rid of the contact me page. I can be reached at Youtube by personal message and I respond to all my messages unless someone is constantly bugging me. Then I'll just block them. I'll be seeing Korina tomorrow afternoon so expect a new video tomorrow evening. I might work on uploading more of my old vids as well. The Renaissance Fair is coming up in November. I have been going every year for 3 years now. They have nonstop bellydancing for 2 days. There an older chick who I saw for the first time last year with an outie bellybutton. It was exquisite. This year I'm going to be less shy and make sure to get some good zoomed in pics. Last year I made a couple videos but I felt embarassed doing it. It's kinda strange how sometimes I can be bold and take closeup bellybutton pics at a bikini contest but then feel timid at a bellydancing exhibition.

Posted by bob95eg at 6:08 PM CDT
Sunday, 4 October 2009
I updated my site again.
Mood:  not sure
Topic: bellybuttons
Yup, I just updated my website again with some pics this time. Most are never before seen on the internet. There's a closeup of Audreys bowl shaped innie, an 18 yr old chick named Carrie's deep innie, and several of Korina from 5 yrs ago.

Posted by bob95eg at 11:17 PM CDT

Video Game - E3 2009 - Attack of the Show

Posted by bob95eg at 6:57 PM CDT
National television?
Mood:  happy
Topic: bellybuttons

2009-10-04 Hi y'all are! I just found out today that my old website that I forgot existed was featured on G4TV's Attack of the Show. I used to watch that show atheistically (I'm not religious) till my wife switched us to cable last week.  My main reason for watching that show is Olivia zmunn. She is so hot! Do a search for her doing the "Truffle Shuffle" and you will fall in love at first sight. Well anyways, they often showcase weird fetishes they find on Youtube. I had been hoping they would discover the bellybutton fetish for a while and would you believe it, they finally did. They did a few minute segment on bellybutton fetishism on Youtube mainly focusing on navel torture but they did show my website at the end and even mention my old Yahoo ID, shipboy1973. I had a whole series of Yahoo clubs where I posted pics I personally took of female bellybuttons and eventually Yahoo switched them over to groups. Then one day without warning they deleted my account including my Yahoo email! I started over as bob95eg which was my handle on a Honda forum because I'm Bob and I have a 95 Civic hatchback turbocharged drag racing car and that is the EG body style. So on that forum my name pretty much said it all. I have been active on Youtube for several years and started as bob95eg and had about 100.000 channel views and about 88 videos posted with over 2,000,000 views then all of a sudden I got deleted with no warning. I don't know why they did it. My vids were tamer than many still on there. Anyways  I started over as b0b95eg and have been  steadily posting new vids.

Posted by bob95eg at 12:49 AM CDT

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